Location : Scotland Villa , Georgetown - BUILD UP 2120 SQFT / 方尺 - 4 BEDROOM /睡房 - 3 BATHROOM / 卫生间 - 2 CARPARK / 停车位 - RESIDENTIAL TITLE /
72 Scotland Park Condo at Georgetown,Penang *For Sale* Cheapest in market, nego until let go~ - Freehold - 1,200 sq.ft - Superb low density (Total 68 units
72 Scotland Park Condo at Georgetown,Penang *For Sale* Cheapest unit in market, negotiable until let go~ - Freehold - 1,200 sq.ft - Low density (Only 68 units
72 Scotland Park Condo at Georgetown *For Sale* 5min drive to gurney plaza, 5min walking distance to Union high school Sell at below market price! Negotiable